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Shadow Work Prompts for the beginner.

Writer's picture: Cosmic SerpentCosmic Serpent

Journal prompts and meditations to spark your shadow working journey.

Exploring your shadow can lead to greater authenticity, creativity, energy, and personal

awakening. This introspective process is essential for reaching the true nature.

"The unconscious cannot be conscious. The moon has its dark side, the sun goes down and cannot shine everywhere at once"

- every one of us has a shadow.


The prompts below are starting points for introspective meditation. These prompts guide you to the main sources of information that will reveal suppression, stagnation or separation between you and your shadow aspects. Continue to contemplate these journal entries and add to them as more is uncovered. Mapping and isolating these aspects are the first steps in healing and integration. Be as raw and real as possible here. This is your personal journey. Grab your book and pen, relax, get comfortable and enjoy!. Use these prompts to help uncover what you've suppressed. Work to make the ego an ally, not an enemy.

Reveal it to heal it.

-The Cosmic Serpent-

Using images of the death card in tarot for scrying

-The Image of the death card often strikes fear within the querent who receives it. In my opinion this is card of transformation. The skeleton here is signifying the collective. The bones speak to the notion that no human being can escape the many forms of death. The animated skeleton represents situations we've attempted to keep alive that may need to be left to die.... such as habits and broken relationships.

The gray sky looms above as he tramples the body of a nobleman. The significance of the nobleman strewn amidst other bodies is simple, death acting as an equalizer for the flesh. Your earthly wealth will not be yours to stand upon in the spirit world. Death is a necessary part of our transformation.

No new energy can live where stagnant energy lies. Use the inspiration you gain to assist in recognizing the aspects of your life you need to let die.

Remember a time that you let an aspect, situation or relationship die off. Remember the process. Now, observe the change that sprung from that decision. For the acceptance of the unknown is an important aspect of development.

Try the following exercise..

-Scry into the image of the death card. (Gaze at the image, unfixed. Journey into the image.) What emotions arise as you stare deeply into this image. How does it resonate with you. What are your views on your personal relationship with this part of the cycle. Do you fear it? Explore what your beliefs are on what will happen once your body expires. Be sure to listen closely and discern your inner voice from an external one. Have your beliefs changed? Use this contemplative state to write a few words to describe your experience.

The pursuit of happiness

- Imagine yourself at the happiest time in your life. Imagine any moment that corresponds to that time that you can grab onto mentally. Hold the image. Where are you? What do you see? What's the temperature? What do you smell? What do you hear? Who is around you? What age are you? What does your body feel like? Form an extremely clear visualization of this moment..

Allow this energy to feel real for yourself. Treat yourself to this experience as you relax. Let any thought that is not of this time pass. Feel it as if it were we speak...Once you've had enough come back to the physical and compare your current surroundings to those from the meditation. List 5 things that have separated you from that feeling. The people, places and things here aren't what we are attempting to regain..only the feeling. Explore your findings by asking yourself, are these things that are the presumed blockages worth being separated from that feeling? What does happiness look like for me. What ELSE stops you from feeling this emotion and are those things real enough to hold onto. Do you place blaim or externalize for your level of happiness? Express your gratitude for your growth and honor this process.

Relationship work-

Think about a person who's difficult or challenging to deal with in your life, whom you have not yet removed. Play out a interaction and sit with the recalled images, however they impact you. Imagine stepping into their body and seeing yourself through their eyes. Imagine yourself as a fine mist, cloud of smoke or solid, whatever strengthens your visualization. Images will come up while in this mediation space. How do you think they would describe you? How does the view of yourself change through the eyes of another. What aspects of their view do you agree or disagree with and how can this be a part of how these interactions go. Write down 5 ways this relationship serves you. What do these 5 things reveal about the nature of the union. Remember, the view others have about us are their own manifestations, created through interaction and the emotion surrounding them. Sit with these images before journaling your experiences..

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